Oberheiden P.C. has been recognized for legal services nationwide. As a national law firm, we have successfully served individual and corporate clients in complex litigation cases across the United States.
Our diverse background, experience, and skills have offered our clients exceptional advocacy and representation on both the federal level as well as various state courts.
Our Detroit Office – Oberheiden P.C. is dedicated to bringing justice against criminal acts by educating the public on the facts of the case and presenting them compellingly and truthfully.
Our law firm takes special care in studying and analyzing our clients’ cases with meticulous detail. We strive to uphold and protect their rights while offering them a wide range of legal services and support to sustain their interests against various risks in modern business and litigation environments.
We believe in bringing justice to our clients. We have been recognized as one of the trustable law firms in the legal community, and we continue to put our passion, experience, and years of experience into each of our cases.
Website: https://federal-lawyer.com/
Why us?
At Oberheiden, P.C., our attorneys have handled well over 1,000 federal cases at all stages from the issuance of subpoenas and target letters to criminal trials and appeals, and we have resolved the vast majority of our client’s cases with no civil or criminal liability.
Oberheiden, P.C. is proud of its track record of helping individual and corporate clients in federal cases.
1,000+ Cases Handled
Available Nights & Weekends
Experienced Trial Attorneys
Former Department of Justice Trial Attorneys
Former Federal Prosecutors, U.S. Attorney’s Office
Former Agents from FBI, OIG, DEA
Cases Handled in 48 States
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